Our Vision

Foundation Values

Whakaute, Aumangea, Haepapa – Respect, Resilience and Responsibility


“Te tipu me to akona” – “Learning and Growing”

Hinuera School exists to be a world class learning community, where everyone is learning and growing, in order to become influential citizens in our global community.


“Ko te waihanga i tetahi waiheke kaha” – “Building a strong future”

Hinuera School has a vision to build a strong future.  We have identified seven key areas for us to live this vision.

Strong Foundation

Our vision is to build upon our strong foundation. This includes strengthening our values of Respect, Resilience and Responsibility, the heart of Hinuera School.  Students collaborate with leadership to drive and take ownership for how our values take shape in the school.  Teachers, Students and the community develop a deep understanding of what it means to be a Hinni Kid.  Hinni learners know the history of the school and our area.  They know who they are, show pride in all they do and are accepting of diversity.


Our vision is to embrace our community.  Our community includes parents, whanau and local community, as well as national and global communities.  We extend connections with our local community, encouraging and strengthening communication and collaboration between community members.  Learning Programmes grow experiences with the real world, both face to face (EOTC & bringing community members in) and online.  We strive to build connections with national and global communities.  We embrace other cultures and are accepting of diversity.  Hinni Kids are nurtured as leaders of community from a young age.  We strive to impact on our environmental community in a positive way.


Our vision is to ensure collaboration with all stakeholders.  Collaboration at Hinuera School means individuals working together towards a common goal to achieve a defined purpose.  This includes strengthening tuakana teina relationships between students.  We encourage teachers to extend collaboration with each other, including sharing ideas, planning, observations and feedback  A partnership of learning programmes is fostered.  Teachers collaborate across the district, nationally and globally, including teacher exchanges.  The school engages with the Kaahui Ako and supports the endeavours of it.  Community members are encouraged to collaborate with the school, including sharing their skills and ideas.


Our vision is for every Hinni Learner to embrace challenge.  Every community member is in agreement that challenge is positive and support is given to build resilience.  Hinuera School fosters a growth mindset.  Teachers recognise the needs of individual learners and set challenges that enable them to rise to the next level.  The journey of learning is celebrated, not only the finished product.

Future Focus

Our vision is to build a future focused learning community.  All community members will be challenged to always see themselves as a learner, knowing how they learn and understanding their ability to learn.  The foundation of this for teachers is Teaching as Inquiry.  Our resources will be up to date and future focused.  We provide new platforms for students to learn and pathways for them to get there.  Educational research is frequently reviewed by the community, who also engage in educational learning offered by the school. We are more globally aware of what our future environment could look like based on the actions of today.


Our vision is to develop curiosity.  Our learning community is one where we are always ‘wondering’, challenging the limits and excited about the possibilities to learn.  Hinni Learners are eager to learn new things, learn from their mistakes, and take risks with their learning.   Teachers provide provocations for students to develop their curiosity about the world around them.  Student interests are a fundamental part of learning programmes.


Our vision is to be successful in all that we do. Hinuera School promotes well rounded success.  The foundation values of Respect, Resilience and Responsibility are promoted as a measure of success alongside the Key Competencies and a Growth Mindset.   There is success in the journey, not only the final product.  Successful people are celebrated and their stories are shared with the community.